Saturday, 20 September 2014


To all artists of all walks of life:

We are publishing a zine issue soon. The theme is (1) Halloween and (2) Warm and fuzzies/cold flurries/new year.   If you're interested in publishing your art in one of our zines, SEND IT! We're always on the lookout for contributors so bring it!
For info about submissions check out our submission guidelines and email us at or
If you want to get e-mail updates about our zines, upcoming projects and meet-ups, let us know by e-mailing the above and we'll add you to our mailing list.  Alternatively, you can ask us about joining our Facebook group.

Go on, get busy.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

V4: Issue 1: Pages

A little commentary on the pages in our Super Crawl 2014 zine issue:

It's undeniably impossible to capture the full effect of colour images when printing in black and white; Oranges, purples, and subtleties of green.

[aleah] [chris] [szara]

Sunday, 14 September 2014

V4: Issue 1

We got to the public library, madly tried to print the zine and realized a huge error had been made and one of the pages had been saved over, utilized the utmost creativity with Word and Internet Explorer to put together the remaining page again, cut, printed, and stapled using the worlds most finicky piece of machinery and got out of there before the library closed. This was a description of a very effective 30 minutes of time.

This zine was made to match the timing of Hamilton's annual Super Crawl. A weekend long art event which has quickly become the most popular free event in our parts (and I'm including Toronto). The crawl is still fine turing it's shape; it's art; it's music; it's food trucks; it's ruckus; it's people; it's mardi gras; who knows what it is. Whatever it might turn out to be, the crawl is a wild and exciting, so who wouldn't want to be a part. 

View the full issue under The Zine heading.